Foundation Stage 2


Welcome to Foundation Stage 2.  In our environment, we have 60 children who follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum.  Activities are planned to offer excitement, provide enthusiasm and enjoyment, and most of all, to allow the children to develop to the best of their abilities.  Days are very busy, with both practical and directed sessions, keeping the children highly motivated and physically active.  All children’s needs are considered and catered for, allowing them to access their learning at their own individual levels. 

Who’s Who?

The children in Foundation Stage 2 work in two classes: Chatsworth House (RCH) and Calke Abbey (RCA).

EYFS Phase Lead: Miss Barkley

Chatsworth House class: Miss Scanlan and Mrs Wignall

Calke Abbey: Mrs Gerrard

Mrs Scott (HLTA)

Mrs Pearson (TA)

Miss Shafiq (TA Apprentice)

Mrs Goodacre (TA)

Mrs Ihklaq (TA)

Mrs Formentica (TA Tues-Wed)


What we will be learning this year?

Autumn 1 – Which communities do I belong to? / Why do squirrels hide their nuts? 

We will be focusing on settling the children into the new routines of school and encouraging them to make new friends and feel confident in their class. We will be talking about being helpful, kind and thoughtful at home and at school. We will be learning about how we are all unique and special, the importance of friendship and how people in their family, school and local community are important and can help them. We are looking forward to making new friends and learning all about each other. In the second part of the half term we will be focussing on the natural changes that happen during the seasons of autumn, including how the weather changes, why trees lose their leaves and how wild animals prepare for winter. We are looking forward to our walk in local community and Arboretum Park, to our trips to Calke Abbey and Chatsworth House.

Autumn 2 – Why does your shadow follow you? / What happens in winter?

We will be exploring light, shadows, reflections and echoes. We will look at how shadows are formed and how they change. We will be focussing as well on the natural changes that happen during the season of winter, including how the weather changes, and how wild animals prepare for winter. We will also be learning about the different celebrations that happen over this time of year: Diwali, Hanukah and Christmas. We are looking forward to our visit to Derby Theatre in December.

Spring 1: Can you read me a story?

We will be exploring the magic of fairy tales in this topic. We will be reading and learning about lots of different fairy tale characters (the good and the bad), homes and castles, magical and fantasy lands and lots of fairy tale vocabulary. We will be using all our learning to write our very own stories. We are looking forward to our story writing workshop with parents, as well as visiting a local library.

Spring 2: Where do different animals live? 

We will be learning all about wild animals and their habitats from all over the world. We will be identifying many different animals as well as exploring where animals are from, what they eat, and how some animals can camouflage! We are looking forward to some animals coming into school to visit us, so we can see lots of the animals in real life.

Summer 1: Are we there yet? / How tall is that building?

During our first summer topic, we will be exploring different types of transport, how things move, places near and far and imaginary and real journeys. We will be learning how to keep safe near transport. We will be exploring structures and materials through looking at famous landmarks. We are looking forward to our visit to Derby Cathedral and exploring its tower.

Summer 2: What happens in summer?

We will be exploring all about summer, the changes that happen in the natural world and things people do during the summer months. We will be learning how to care for plants and animals in our local environment and how to stay safe in the sun. We will also be learning about invertebrates that live in the garden and our local environments. We are looking forward to observe the life cycle of a butterfly and a stick insect in our class. We will finish our school year with the picnic in Markeaton Park.

Finally, the time will come around where we are ready to move onto the next stage of our education. We will be meeting our new class teachers in Year 1 and getting to know them, ready for the next school year.

How to help with Learning at Home

  • Reading every night with your child, supporting them to sound out words  Please make sure children bring their book bag to school every day and keep it in their tray.
  • Encourage your child to put on and take off their own coat, gloves and hats. Please encourage children to learn how to zip up their own coat.
  • Encourage your child to independently change their clothes, turning clothes the right way round, doing up buttons, and putting on shoes.
  • Encourage your child to go to the toilet by themselves. Remind them to flush the toilet, then wash their hands.
  • Play games to encourage counting, letter recognition and turn taking.
  • Where possible, use scissors, play dough, paint, and glue at home to improve fine motor skills (hand strength is essential for writing)
  • Put your child’s name on everything. That way staff can return lost books, clothes or shoes to their rightful owners.
You will find our Reception curriculum overview below:
To find out more about Reception, have a look at our Reception Parent Workshop (September 2023):