SEND and Inclusion

At Hardwick, we are incredibly proud of our inclusive ethos and extensive provision for children with SEND. We celebrate diversity and involve every member of our school community in our vision to CARE, making our school a place that is:
CARING - where everyone cares about each other and our school
ACHIEVING - where everyone always does better than their previous best
RESPECTFUL - where everyone remembers their manners and respects one another
EXCITING - where everyone enjoys learning and experiencing new challenges
At Hardwick, we have a team of professionals who lead on Inclusion, incorporating all aspects of SEND.
These include:
Inclusion Manager and SENCo:
Mrs S Haider, 01332 272249

SEND Governor: Mr A Repesa

Head of School and Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mrs R Sandhu

Nurture Group Leaders and Deputy Safeguarding Leads: Mrs R Yates and Mrs R Oliver

All of our staff work closely together with support from external professionals such as the Educational Psychology Service, School Nursing Team, specialist teachers and advisors, Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy to secure the highest standards of provision and care for all of our children.

If you have any questions about Inclusion and SEND at Hardwick Primary School, please contact a member of the Senior Leadership Team.

IQM: Centre of Excellence
Here at Hardwick, we are delighted to have been recognised as a 'Centre of Excellence' for Inclusion. Our staff and governors have been working hard towards this status and have been granted this recognition following external review by IQM in December 2024. 
Inclusion is at the heart of everything we do at Hardwick and we continue to strive to build on and develop the practice we have in place.
For the full news article about this on the IQM site, please follow the link below:
What if I have a question or concern about SEND?

Named SENCo:  Mrs L. Smith (NASENCo)

If you have any queries or concerns you would like to discuss with the SENCO, please use the following contact details:

Tel: 01332 272249
