Year 6


Welcome to Year 6, the final year at Hardwick Primary School! It is jam-packed with lots of challenges and excitement! Year 6 is extremely hard work, however we also have lots of fun which will make it one of the most memorable years at Hardwick Primary School.

Who’s Who?

Year Coordinator: Mrs Tatla

6PC - Mrs Tatla

6HR - Mr Jurd

6FN - Miss Qayoom

Mr Gilbert (HLTA)

Mrs Smith (TA)

Mrs Takhur (TA)

What we will be Learning this Year?

Autumn 1 – Blood Heart

Topic: In the first half of the Autumn Term, we will be learning about the human body, particularly the circulatory system. We will be getting up close to veins, arteries and animal hearts and understanding how blood moves around our body and keeps us alive. We also will be creating sculptures and working models of the insides of our body.

English: In English, we will be an atmospheric description and an explanation text on our theme work.

Maths: In Maths, we will be going over place value, four operations and negative numbers.


Autumn 2 – Child’s War

Topic: In the Autumn 2 Term, we will be delving into our topic, Child’s War learning about World War 2 from a child’s perspective.  Children will experience what it was like to live during the war through research and a visit to Pickford House. We will look at how rationing affected families and learn about how many children were separated from their families  evacuation. In DT we will be exploring and making evacuee toys.

English: In English, we will be reading 'Good Night Mr Tom', and will then write a narrative from a perspective of an evacuee and poetry.

Maths: In Maths, we will be becoming more confident with the number system, particularly decimal numbers. We will also be working on fractions, percentages and measure.


Spring 1- Frozen Kingdom

Topic: In the first half of Spring Term, we will be learning about interdependence and Adaptation. The children will be asked to choose a favourite animal from either of the polar regions and use a range of non-fiction materials to find out more about it. They will also learn how it has evolved and adapted to suit its habitat.

The children will also learn how to construct food chains for a chosen animal or plant from a frozen land.

In Geography, the children will use globes and atlases to find and name both polar regions and other significant geographical features of the world. They will label a global map showing the locations of these features. On their map, they will add a key for information. Children will explore facts about the Arctic and the Antarctic and the history of Shackleton’s journey. 

English: In English, we will be writing a biography and a narrative.

Maths: In Maths, we will be becoming more confident with the number system, particularly decimal numbers. We will also be working on algebra, ratio and proportion.



Spring 2- Darwin’s Delight

Topic: This second half term we will be learning about evolution and inheritance.

Ship Ahoy! We’re off on an exciting expedition with Charles Darwin and his crew on HMS Beagle. Stop at the magical Galapagos Islands to see the amazing species that helped Darwin develop his theory of evolution by natural selection. Do you know what’s so special about a lava lizard or why the blue-footed booby has blue feet?

How have animals adapted to their environment over time and how might humans evolve in millions of years?

English: In English we will writing a discussion text lined to our theme.

Maths: In Maths we will be solving problems, including developing our understanding of measure.


Summer 1 – SATs

English and Maths: It is now only weeks away from when we will be sitting our SATs. In English and Maths this half term, we will be revising what we have been learning, and making sure we look at any areas we need to develop so we can show off exactly what we can do when we have our tests. 


Summer 2 – Early Islamic Civilisation

Topic:  During this topic, the children track the development of the great Islamic city of Baghdad including trading practices and everyday life and compare it with contemporary cities in Western Europe. Throughout this topic, the children also learn about the spread of Islam through the Middle East and beyond and the legacy of and continuing influences of early Islam.

English: In English, we will write non-chronological reports linked to our theme and we will be working on the spoken English competition.

Maths: In Maths, we will be focusing on graphs, timetables, mean and pie charts while continuing to develop problem solving and reasoning.

To help your child achieve the most they can this year please ensure they:

  • Go to sleep at a reasonable time, so that they are ready and alert for each and every day.
  • Complete all homework on time. If they are unsure of how to complete this or find it too difficult, ask them to inform their teacher of this, before they are due to hand their homework in. This way, they will still have a good go at completing the task given on time.
  • Read at home, every day if possible. This will help build up their speed and fluency, which is much needed when it comes to SATs.
  • Ensure they know all of the times tables, with the division facts.

The following are some suggested websites that can help with supporting your child:

CoolMath4kids (US Site)

Woodlands Junior School

TopMarks Education Resources

Rain Forest Maths


Loders Primary Schools - Maths Problem Solving

You will find our Year 6 curriculum overview below:

End of Summer Term

Towards the end of the summer term children will receive their SATs results and will have visited their secondary schools. We will be sad to see them leave, but excited for the next step they are taking in their lives. Before they leave, children will be making memories and having a great send off, we will have lots to look forward to:

  • Performing a production! All Year 6 children will be involved in the production. We will be acting, singing, dancing and making costumes, props and scenery. Make sure you come and watch our show! It is not one to be missed!
  • Leaving Party! All Year 6 children will be invited to a party to celebrate their time at Hardwick Primary School. There will be music, dancing, games and plenty of food and drink. A great opportunity for children to celebrate the time they have spent at school with the friends they have made here.
  • Leaver’s Books. Children will have the opportunity to make a Leaver’s Book, with a mixture of pictures and messages, so they have lasting memories of their time, friends and teachers at Hardwick.
  • Leaving Assembly. Parents of Year 6 children will be invited to their final assembly. We will be looking at their time at Hardwick and presenting them with a certificate celebrating the part they have played at school.