Opening Times

School Opening Times 08:45 - 3:15  (32.5 hours)
Morning Session starts at 08:45
The School gate will open at 08:35
All children must come into school either via St James Road or the Hasting Street Entrance.
Foundation children enter the school via the Dover Street entrance.
Children should be in their classroom by 08:45 where they will be met by their teacher.
School gates are closed at 08:45 and any children who arrive after this time must report to the Office at Dover Street entrance.
Lunch Times
Reception, Year 1 and Year 2                          11:35 to 12:30
Year 3 and Year 4                                          11:55 to 12:50
Year 5 and Year 6                                          12:15 to 1:10
Children in Foundation must be collected from the entrance on Dover Street
All other children must be collected promptly from the Hastings Street entrance. Gates are opened from 3:10 for parents to wait on the playground.
Children not collected by 3:30 will be escorted to the school office on Dover Street.