Partnership Working

Stopping Domestic Abuse Together (SDAT) is an initiative led by Derbyshire Constabulary in conjunction with Children’s Social Care, Health Services, schools and other agencies, who work together to safeguard children and adults.

Domestic Abuse can encompass but is not limited to the following types of abuse:

  • Psychological
  • Physical
  • Sexual
  • Financial
  • Emotional

Children and young people witnessing domestic abuse
Witnessing domestic abuse is really distressing and scary and it causes serious harm to children.

The impact on children who witness domestic abuse may make them:

  • become anxious and depressed
  • have difficulty sleeping or have nightmares
  • be easily startled, flinch or react disproportionately to loud noises
  • complain of physical symptoms such as tummy ache
  • start wetting the bed
  • have temper tantrums and display challenging behaviour at school
  • behave younger than they are
  • not want to go to school 
  • become aggressive towards others
  • have poor self-worth
  • self-harm
  • have difficulty forming positive relationships

They may feel:

  • guilty - because they think they have done something wrong
  • powerless - because they can't stop the violence
  • confused - because it doesn't make sense
  • angry - because it shouldn't be happening
  • sad - because it's a loss
  • afraid - because they may be hurt, they may lose someone they love, others may find out
  • alone - because they think it is only happening to them

What is SDAT?
SDAT is an early notification system to schools to quickly notify them of any incidents of domestic abuse where the Police have attended a household where children live.

This enables schools to understand changes in a child's behaviour, attitude or general presentation and to support children if needed.

What happens when we receive a notification?
The aim of sharing information is to ensure our children are protected from the impact of domestic abuse.  Schools are notified so that they can observe and offer appropriate support to children who have been involved in, or witnessed, a domestic abuse incident.

The police will share specific information about the incident with Children’s Social Care and school. The information will be received securely and confidentially by the Safeguarding Team, who are available to liaise with Children's Social Care and the police and to use the information that has been shared, in confidence, to support the child(ren).

The Safeguarding Team at Hardwick Primary School comprises of the Designated Safeguarding Lead - Mrs Sandhu, who is supported by four Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads – Mrs Oliver, Mrs Yates, Mrs Awaan and Mrs Freeman.

If we receive a SDAT notification we will make sure that one of the Safeguarding Team is available to offer support. The confidential information is ordinarily not shared with all staff, but Social Care may require you share information about the incident with them.

All schools have a duty to share any information with other organisations if they feel a child is at risk of harm.

The sharing of information from the police allows the school to be ready to help your child straight away, and it means that our parents are aware that the safeguarding team have been made aware that something has happened and are there to support you.

Our safeguarding team are available to offer support and advice about other agencies who may be able to assist you.

Our aim is to support children and their families when they need us. The safeguarding team are available every day at the school gates or via the school office on 01332 272249.

During school holidays you can email the safeguarding team securely and in confidence at:

Where to find help and support

Safer Derbyshire

Derby City Life Links


Hadhari Nari

Derby Women’s Centre



Local Authority Support

Derbyshire Police

